Posts with tag: "sporting clays instructor"
Changing Chokes - A Real Advantage?
Perception Versus Reality

As you know, changing chokes from field to field is very common. And it can be to our advantage, depending on the reasons for changing and how the choke is being used.         For example, a few years back in a match, I observed an elderly gentleman prepare for a crossing target under his feet, inbound across a ravine. The common breakpoint on this A target was under 25 yards. Visibly anxious, he was vacillating, unsure of what choke to put in. He stepped into the box less than confident. I was on deck behind him. He very clearly shot behind the first two A birds, stopping his gun each time because he incorrectly thought he was too far in front. He ...

Why Am I Missing Clay Targets?
Perception Versus Reality

Gift Certificates Available (828)693.6600 As a very busy Coach and Instructor, what have I learned from those shooters who have inquired about taking lessons? The # 1 question I hear is…”Why am I inconsistent?” Said very respectfully, the answer is because your set-up and swing are not the same on the target you are missing. While it may look and feel the same, it is actually inconsistent and those inconsistencies inevitably lead to more lost targets. Which brings our conversation to learning what those inconsistencies are. Far more important than where your friends tell you the miss went, we’re focusing on why. What actually went wrong with the ...

5 Most Important Questions The Tournament Clay Shooter Should Be Asking
Perception Versus Reality

1. Which is more important . . . understanding the basics, the precision, and fundamentals that generate Xs . . . or equipment, chokes, and loads? 2. The trap machine fires: am I controlling my gun’s movement precisely . . . or trying to force the shot outcome 35 yards away? 3. Seriously . . . can I honestly trust my swing? Is it consistent . . . or is it changing from target to target without my knowledge? XXXXXX . . . or X00X0X? 4. Why am I constantly distracted and not focused in the shooting box? 5. Specifically . . . HOW do I add more Xs to my scorecard? Not just sometimes but ...

Perception Versus Reality

Competent, personal instruction will never be one-size fits all. It can’t be. No two shooters are ever the same. Goals differ. Skills differ. Personal habits and traits differ. Confidence levels go from one end of the spectrum to the other. Equipment selections vary greatly; some being an asset, some not. And none of these differences have touched on physical issues that may be affecting my student’s shooting. While instruction may be universal in a few regards . . . much of it isn’t. Effective instruction will always be a unique combination of A) Instructor skills and B) student willingness to adjust to change. A) is defined by competence, including ...

Perception Versus Reality

TIRED OF X's HERE & THERE? Here’s a simple lesson I’ve learned while teaching. It’s not the new methods that make student improvement harder…it’s letting go of what he/she believes. Especially when that swing is breaking some targets. Why change?That’s a great question, which is answered in depth in my new book, Beyond The Target (Book III). In this TIP, I thought this particular analogy would illuminate why our habits can be so hard to abandon…even when we know it’s those habits that lead to inconsistency and lower scores. It was somewhere around 2010 and I was working with a gentleman from South America. A world traveler and ...