River Bend Sportsman's Resort
"The perfect getaway is just around the bend"
1000 Wilkie Bridge Road, Inman SC 29349
Make reservations now for your next wingshooting adventure at the January 7th Tower Shoot . . . the first Tower Shoot of the new year! You'll Love It!
Complete with Scottish bagpiper to set the tone, pheasant tower shoots include a full breakfast, skeet range warmup, 10 pheasants per gun, cleaning and packaging of birds and 2 boxes of shells. Breakfast begins at 8:00 AM and we go to the Tower Field at 9:00 AM. The price for Advantage Participants is $305.00 per person. Advance reservations are required and can be made by calling (800) 5169606.
Guests interested in River Bend Sportsmans Tower Shoots and becoming Advantage Participants are welcome and may attend at the price of $365.00 per person.
We look forward to seeing you at River Bend!
Contact Ralph Brendle today:
Dan Schindler teaches at River Bend Sportsmans Resort offering Wingshooting instruction and Sporting Clays lessons by Appointment Only. Call Dan Schindler at Paragon School of Sporting Inc. 828.693.6600 to make your reservations.